On the end of the year and the sudden lack of recaps

Some of you may have noticed I haven’t written many recaps lately. For a while, I almost felt like I was writing a recap for everything. And maybe nobody misses them, but I feel like maybe I should explain a few things.

Even if I have nothing to recap, I’d rather write the occasional “verbiage piece” than have the entire blog be just the LOVIEE features. While I do take pride in the LOVIEE features, that can’t be everything. I want to keep the site interesting, and I know with the onslaught of the holidays the number of events has gone down a bit. There are certain well-publicized events I’ve left off; I toyed with the idea of adding, say, The Nutcracker (performed by the Houston Ballet) but ultimately decided against it. I leave some of the more well-publicized events off the list because I figure my readers–you guys out there–have probably heard about them from other sources.

A lot of the reason I’ve posted no recaps in almost three weeks is that there aren’t that many events I’ve been to lately. I will note here I attended Information Superhighway (09-M12-4). I had fun, don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t even feel like taking that many pictures that night (this after I had taken special time to put a blank 2 gigabyte SD card in my camera, giving me enough room for about 350-400 pictures, just the night before) and that’s not an event that really lends itself very well to a recap. The same goes for the Kirtsy Takes A Bow book launch party (09-W47-3) and Spacetaker’s Winter Holiday Art Market (09-W47-9), both of which I went to, even if I was only at the latter briefly.

A side note here, since I know some of you are probably wondering: if I put “join me” (or similar wording) in a description for the LOVIEE, usually that’s where I’ll be that night. Sometimes I do not know in advance what I’ll be doing and there are weekends where I’m either out of town or attending e.g. a house party, as was the case for Halloween. Most of you don’t know me, so I’ll say that I simply would not do this type of a blog if I did not “eat my own dog food.” (That is, in this case, refer back to my own LOVIEE post to see what’s going on later in the week/month.)

The other reason is my unfortunate lack of a working vehicle and the difficulty of relying on public transportation in the middle of the winter in Houston. It rains, it sleets, it hails, it even snows. It gets damned cold out there even when it’s dry. I’ve missed at least one event (not one I promoted here) due in part to the fact I simply got tired of waiting on the bus.

I really don’t want to turn this into a carbon copy of the other blogs I do. The whole point behind this blog was to be something different; a local events blog was something I had always wanted to do, but had never been sufficiently motivated to try until this summer. I’m sure some people refuse to believe that; it’s the truth, and I can only offer you the full faith and credit of my good name that I am telling the truth. Honestly, that’s not a whole lot.

As we get closer to the spring, I should be back to posting just as many recaps as there were in the fall. Right now, fewer people are dropping by and that’s due in large part to the holidays; I understand that. I’m going to do the best I can, but bear with me for the next few weeks.

I was, for a time, looking for guest contributors. I got no response when I put out the call the first time a few weeks ago. I’m still looking; the need is not urgent, but I do plan to launch other features and expand this blog beyond just my own personal effort. If you are interested, please let me know.

If you know about an interesting event, or for that matter a venue, band, dance company, etc. that I may not know of, or even if you just want to say hi, feel free to drop me a line. In the case of the latter categories it helps to link me directly to a Web site and event calendar. If you have a press/media release in a non-text format those can be sent to quinnsbigcity@fastmail.net.
